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Document Templates
Document Templates are used to create the "Body" of system generated "Emails" or "Alerts". The template defines the structure and content in an email.


  1. An alert will use the details from the "Document Templates" if it is used to create the email body.
  2. When a notification is sent, the "Email Subject" will be the combination of the "Email Prefix" configured under "LinkWeb ->Configuration -> Mail Setting -> Mail_Common_Prefix" and the "Email Subject" from "Document Templates".
    1. Email to, bcc and cc
  3. If the template is disabled, the email alert will not be sent.

Figure 1: List of Document Templates.


Table 1: Field Description for Document Templates



Template Name Name for the document template.
Module Modules are assigned to a template to filter templates by applications. For example, a template with module "Helpdesk" will not be reflected in "Employee Self Serve".
Email To Enter the "Email To" address. All email or alert sent using a template will also send the notification to the configured "To" address in the template.
Email CC Enter the "Email CC" address. All email or alert sent using a template will also send the notification to the configured "CC" address in the template.
Email BCC Enter the "Email BCC" address. All email or alert sent using a template will also send the notification to the configured "BCC" address in the template.
Email Subject

Enter the "Subject" of the email sent using the template.

Display Order Display order determines the display order of the list where the templates are used.


This field marks the record as disabled. Notifications will fail if a "Disabled" template is used for email creation.